2011-05-21 14:34:04 UTC
Background: Shore-bound saltwater fisherman in the northeast target two species. Stripers and Bluefish, which are both migratory. Starting in early April the anticipation of the fishes arrival at a famous location, one that books have been written about, starts to grow. The big fish always arrive in May, or at the latest, the first new moon in June. Of course the exact day changes year to year, but it usually happens the last minus tides in May and lasts for 2-3 days. It's a fish blitz, mayhem, every cast hooking up a 20-40 pound Striper.
Last Wednesday: a captain of a 26 foot boat that takes 4 clients out at a time, made the report. The capt puts in his time, he is not an amateur. He started marking fish a couple of weeks ago and predicted the day they would arrive in the famous location, and posted his opinion. On the day in question, he left his boat docked and surfcasted from shore and caught and released 50+ fish. That afternoon he posted his success.
Now, half the surfcasting community wants his head on the chopping block for tipping off lurkers that the fish have arrived.
What's your opinion on this situation?