andrew... again, your ignorance is not just showing, it's Glaring! FLAMING!!
l can think of NO OTHER 40 or even 60 year old reel than a mitchell that you can still find parts for besides Penn.
for THAT matter, any commonly available reel that is still even fishable, other than again, Penn.
you REALLY know NOTHING of which you are talking about. not only on this subject but on almost every subject that comes up.
my sincerest apologies to everyone here, you too andrew, but l'm sure a lot of people feel the same but are just too polite to say anything. and l am sure your heart is in the right place but when it comes to badmouthing something or someone, one had best know of which one speaks.
and to a lesser extent Wilsl, you too.
lews reels have been re-released, l am not sure who makes them or where they are made but l'm sure it's not the same factory of 30 years ago which was if l recall, ryobi. those old lews reels, especially the BB1 and BB1N are collectors items. not priced out of ones reach yet if one has an interest in collecting old reels, actually very reasonable and the values can only go up.
and perhaps l owe you an apology. l'm not sure if l can precisely tell just exactly you are telling the questioner about "more vintage".
and to answer the Q, again, l am not personally aquainted with the reborn models. l would imagine the $99 one would have more or better bearings which will give you better casting distance. if they both have the same bearings, get the one with the narrower spool. also, a slower speed is usually preferred for cranks and jigs.